Friday, May 25, 2007

Zipper de doo dah

Where were these zipperskate and zipperswitch drills when I was trying find balance last week? OR…maybe it’s just so much easier for me to balance now. It really does feel like I’m floating along on my lungs. It really does feel like I’m moving down hill. It really does. I’m very surprised that the info in this books works. I have to admit that I didn’t think it would really work for me. How about that?

I’m still a little bit concerned about still using swim fins. I took them off and did the zipperswitch drill at the end of my swim today just to see if would move forward.

Did I?


It wasn’t as fast as with the fins on (duh!) but I was moving forward. Now, do I have enough time to build the endurance to finish a half-mile swim with enough energy left to bike for 18 and finish with a run of 4.5 miles?

Now I need a training plan…

Actually, I have one. I read a book about triathlon training for beginners a month or so ago. I’ll just dig that out and review the beginner plan and get to work. Official training begins Monday. (No, I’m not going to forget about the TI stuff I’ve learned so far. I’m still going to keep working my through the book.)

Speaking of Monday….

I’m taking the family to Traverse City to cheer on some people running the marathon I was going to run this weekend. Oh well.

Enjoy the holiday weekend! (Did you know that Memorial Day dates back to the Civil War? It does. Look it up.)


Tea said...

Have fun at the race!

I am the Big Bad Wolf said...

What's a zipper switch? Do I have to read the TI book to find out?

Tea said...

Since Todd's not around...YES, it's a TI drill.