Friday, May 18, 2007


I woke up too early yesterday. I stayed up too late last night. I lay in bed this morning staring at the alarm clo...Oh to heck with it!

I did it! I did it! I did it!

I did everything right today. Every drill was effortless. I skimmed along the top of the water with ease. I completed length after length after length quicker than I thought I could. I wasn’t ACTUALLY swimming but I was kicking my way across the top of the water. It literally felt, at times, like I was only half submersed. It was so much fun that I was even laughing OUT LOUD at the end of each length.

I can’t swim again until Monday. Now that I know how this feels I can start from the beginning each time and “find” it and continue to improve.


1 comment:

Tea said...

YES!YES!YES! That's awesome!! GO T Go T! It's y'birthday.

Please ignore winz, he's obviously started happy hour early. ;)