Thursday, May 17, 2007


Today I began my drills with the floating on my back thingy. I did that for a few lengths and figured I had the hang of it. So, still on my back, I tried swimming on my side. It’s trickier than it sounds, at least for me. I really tried to rotate my body while keeping my head in the same place. It took some practice. I noticed that when I rolled onto my right side I would scoot along pretty well. While I was on my left side my feet would slowly start to sink so I would roll onto my back, my feet would come back up, and I would try again.

I checked the clock. It was time to hit the shower BUT I wanted to just swim a lap. One lap. Fifty yards. Down and back.

I kicked off the end of the pool. I sank like a rock. I couldn’t keep my head above water. I didn’t even make it halfway across the pool before I stopped, turned around, and DOG PADDLED back. I left the pool disappointed and deflated. After two days of drills I am now worse than I was before.

I’m getting anti-results. Awesome.

Still, I am undeterred. I will move forward. I reread the book and it mentions that individuals that slightly more dense (muscular) will have difficulty until drill four. I think I fit that category so I’m gonna push forward until I get to drill four and see what happens.

One thing that concerns me: these last two days have not felt like I’m doing anything in the pool. From my perspective I really need to be able to swim a half-mile by the end of July. I don’t really feel like I can take much time away from “putting in my time” at the pool and continuing to build my endurance.


Anonymous said...

Hey . . . I dogpaddle ALL the time. So, as usual, you're well ahead of me. Keep being undeterred.

Tea said...

I know it's frustrating. Please hang in there. I don't know if it helps you at all, but I know exactly what you are talking about. I had the sinking feeling. I had water go up my nose more in two days than in my entire life.

It will pay off...I promise you. I felt like I was going backwards. I felt like I was missing valuable pool (lap) time. Don't worry about how much time you are using. Unfortunately, it takes awhile to break out of old habits.

The dvd really helped me. Stick with it. I wouldn't steer you wrong!

(I had a VERY hard time with the anchoring/rock climber thing...which is later...then I jumped ahead, went back...and GOT IT.)

Tea said...

I thought of something else. I used the same technique for myself as I do in dog training. (I used to train dogs)

It helps me to leave the pool on a positive note. Leave after you do something great! or feel balanced, etc. Don't leave right after you almost drown or sink. Do one simple exercise correctly, feel good about it, then get out.

It really helped me in wanting to get back into the pool. Just a thought.

todd said...

Tea - You're the best. I would do the same thing with my football players and I do it with my t-ballers. How could I forget to treat myself the same way?

Wrenched Photography said...

Sounds like it was still productive, you found your "weak side" No matter if it seems like your not doing any "work" in the pool, your still getting ready for the half mile. You'll do fine, just think positive and think about the excerise and such that your getting rather than a workout - tis what i do on my runs.