Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Flipper Addiction

It’s easier to breathe while doing the underswitch drill.

It’s kind of a fun drill to do.


Rolling from side to side.

Reaching forward and letting my arm drift back to my side.

Taking a breath.

I took off my flippers to see how it would go without swim fins.

Not so good.

I suspect that I have become addicted to the swim fins because I do not move forward with out them. Even though I thought I had found balance I sink like a fricken rock while not wearing them. So I put the fins back one.

Do you think I can wear them during the triathlon?

Nobody is likely to notice the fat guy with big yellow flippers lurching toward the water at the beginning of the race. Are they? I mean, the way I swim, they will hardly be an advantage.


Wrenched Photography said...

pssst....wanna buy and underwater hydro rocket?

Sounds like someone's having fun.

Anonymous said...

I've seen you. You're not THAT fat.

todd said...

M - So...you're admitting to my fatness then?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Been there. Don't sweat it. The flipper addiction, I mean. I loved that rolling drill, too. It was a revelation.

Tea said...

I'm not sure if I read this blog for inspiration or a good laugh or both.

Either way, I'M addicted.