Friday, May 11, 2007

500 "faster"

I swam 500 today. I did it in 50 yard bits. I really focused on breathing and effort. That means that I tried to swim faster than I normally do while not swallowing mouthfuls of water. I also did this using only the front stroke. I would swim a lap and rest about 20 seconds. By the end I was really breathing very hard and I had to fight with myself to finish each lap without rolling onto my back. Even though I didn’t swim as far today when I climbed out of the pool I felt like I had an even better workout than the one I had yesterday.

No bike ride last night.

I got home and noticed that my wife had set a basket of dirty laundry at the top of the stairs. So, after hanging my wet clothes in the bathroom, I started that load and emptied the drier and lugged those clothes upstairs and threw them on the bed. Then I filled the kitchen sink with hot, soapy water and did the dishes that were waiting for me. My wife and kids came home from dropping my oldest daughter off at dance class so I dried my hands and hugged and kissed them all. I offered to help with dinner. After dinner, I did the dishes and pulled out my beer bottling stuff. Once I got the beer into bottles, caps on the bottles, and did the dishes again I gave my son a bath and helped my wife put the kids in bed. Having accomplished all of this I looked outside and noticed, with sever disappointment, that the sun would be setting within the half hour.


Maybe tonight?

Great Presidential Wit (...I wish I was in this book.) by Bob Dole

Read this book only if you enjoy stale anecdotes and lackluster glimpses into that which makes our list of presidents laugh. For some reason the book concludes with Al Gore. There's some debate so to who REALLY won the 2000 election. I just don't understand why Bob Dole (Republican) would put him into a book about presidential wit. Anyway, read at your risk.

1 comment:

Tea said...

Hey thanks for posting that song. Let me be a little sentimental for a moment. My youngest son has his "continuation" on 5/24. No more elementary school! Six years in one school. It's the halfway mark. When they're babies, time goes so slow...and now, I can't believe I have no more elementary age kids.

Back to your blog: Congrats on the swim. I think that it's important for you to stress yourself like that. Push your speeds to see where you stand. I hope you're keeping track of your times so you can see how much better you've gotten!