Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I did more underswitch drills today. I was having a little trouble maintaining balance on my right side after I would switch and roll to that side. So, I took my time and did length after length after length of underswitch. I’m really beginning to see how all of these things come together. I found myself wishing that the pool were 100 yards long so that I could just keep going. It just seems like I don’t get tired or out of breathe while I do these drills. I should be swimming by next week and I’m to realize that even though I haven’t been swimming laps I have actually gained more than I have lost by taking the time to make this change in how I swim. I’m becoming a TI convert.

I’ve never really liked the Rolling Stones. I just don’t understand what people like about them.

10.5 days until my students escape for the summer. What am I doing to do with myself?

The List
1. read
2. swim
3. run
4. bike
5. play my guitar
6. coach t-ball
7. read some more
8. finally make up my mind about whether I want to pursue a Phd or a second MA


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on items 1 and 7. The rest sound like too much work. Go for the second MA. Do the PhD when the kids are older.

Tea said...

I can attest to the challenge of doing a PhD with kids. I have two boys 12 and 13. Wait, 11 and 13.

Writing papers, teaching, researching, attending classes IS difficult. However, in my program most of it is phased in. You can't teach until year 2, etc.

What benefit do you get with a second MA? Because that's not easy either. (The reading and paper writing rom a time committment).

Ok....ummm....let me get back to stuff I really the whole Tri thing.

Tea said...

I know what you mean about wanting the pool to be longer.Just as things come together, you hit the other side.

I cannot tell you how happy I am about your breakthrough. The toughest part is the begining and getting the balance down. Then everything s-l-o-w-l-y starts falling into place. No wasted time at all!

I am the Big Bad Wolf said...

I can't believe you said that about the Rolling Stones. I've seen them like, oh, 3 or 4 times in concert. Go see the IMAX movie: Rolling Stones at at the MAX. It's great.