Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Total Immersion

I bought the book Total Immersion this weekend and I’ve decided to put those words into action. As if I wasn’t self conscious enough I, ever fearless, entered the pool this morning with the intention to do something different. I’m breaking the “rules” before I even learn all of them. I really hope it works.

This morning I spent a half hour floating on my back, arms, at my sides, flippers on my feet, goggles over my eyes, water up my nose, hiding my head and “pressing” my buoy into the water all with the intention of trying find balance in the water. Did I find it? I found something. I’m not sure it was balance. This may sound really simple but if I kept my face parallel to the surface of the water and pressed my air filled lung back into the water my hips would naturally pop up out of the water and I didn’t have to work at all to stay a float.

This sounds easy. It was made difficult by two things. First, the pool was busy. Everybody was sharing a lane today so I kinda tucked myself next a lane marker and skidded my way along the marker to make sure I didn’t get in the way of the real swimmers. And, because the pool was busy, there was a lot more wake and splashing today and that sent water up my nose more than a couple of times.

Tomorrow I’ll spend more time on balance and try to find my “sweet spot”. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) { Alright, I thought of it too…}


Wrenched Photography said...

With the back stroke and floating in general, arch your back into the air and tilt your head back. To get you legs towards the surface on the freestyle, keep your chin kind of tucked in. TI is great for learning the basics.

Tea said...

Excellent! It IS amazing how pushing your head/chest in causes your back to pop up.

If it's any consolation, I felt really silly at first too. Once the techniques start working, you'll feel silly in the water.

I still do the drills. I think I will do them for a long long time. It helps me remember what is right before I do laps.

Tea said...

OOPS, I made a mistake. I meant to say that once you see the techniques working you will feel LESS SILLY in the water.


todd said...

Tea -I forgive you. Thanks for all of your kind words.

Wrench - I definitely need help with the basics. Thanks for continuing to visit.

I am the Big Bad Wolf said...

Todd, it seems I've gotten a few days behind. I really do admire all the determination you are putting into this triathlon. I can't even imagine how difficult it is to start from scratch, especially with the swimming. Make sure your kids learn how to swim now while they are young. I feel so guilty than I can swim so much better than my kids. But my family always had a regular pool membership while I was growing up and, unfortunately, we have not. I know it is a big loss for my kids.