Monday, May 21, 2007

I gotta breathe too?

Drills, drills, drills, drills, drills, drills…

Not wanting to get too far ahead of myself I sort of started over today. I began with the balancing on your back drill for a couple of lengths. I moved on to the finding my “sweet spot” drill. I eased forward into the “sneaking my hand in front of me drill”. I finished with laps of the “now turn your head and put your face in the water drill” and realized immediately that, while I really do feel like I’m gliding down hill, I have no idea when to breath. So I struggled with figuring that out for a couple of lengths. See, I couldn’t just turn my head and take a breath. I was underwater. I reminded myself to roll back to my “sweet spot” and take a breath. That worked. I don’t know if it’s right. There was nothing about remembering to breathe in the book. Silly huh?

Busy weekend

Friday night my oldest daughter, Emma, had the first of her three dance recitals this weekend. She and my wife went to that while I stayed home and watched a movie with our other three kids. It was almost 10 o’clock when they got home.

Saturday morning began with a parade for my son (Jacob), my seven year old (Hannah), and me. The youth baseball league in which they play has some opening day ceremonies and they always kick it off with a parade of all of the kids playing in the league that year. It was our first parade since it’s Hannah’s first year playing softball and I’m coaching Jacob’s t-ball team. Even though there were a few drops of rain at the beginning the parade turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

Even though I had to wrangle my team together during Hannah’s game later in the day, I got to see a good portion of it. She played pitcher (it’s at the coach pitch level), second base and left field. She made a few plays from the pitchers mound and second AND she got a hit during her last at bat. I could tell she had a lot fun and she was really excited about getting a “real” hit rather than having to hit off the tee. I couldn’t have been more proud.

Running to dance recitals swallowed up the rest of the day. Emma (10), Hannah (7), and Rebecca (3) all had to dance in the afternoon recital. Rebecca was so cute. She even remembered to dance a little bit. Hannah always looks stronger than the other dancers to this very partial observer and Emma floated across the stage during her ballet number and shined during her jazz dance. At the end we were pleasantly surprised to hear the announcement that Emma had been awarded the “Runner- Up” scholarship award for her hard work, dedication, and example to others! Again, I couldn’t have been more proud.

It was a pretty good day for the Olson family.


Anonymous said...

"sweet spot, huh? In light of you current issues--a very appropriate song choice today.

Hope you got lots of pictures of the kids this weekend.

Tea said...

Breathing was a little weird for me too with the floating only. Oce you get to the...I can't remember what they are called...underskate (maybe) it becomes easier.

Another exciting weekend for you! I don't know how you manage with the 3 kids. I go crazy with 2.

todd said...

Tea - count them again...Emma, Hannah, Jacob, Rebecca.

That's four!

Tea said...

I'm sorry. Counting? I'm not good at that NEW math.

Did you say that your appointment is THIS week or next?
I thought you mentioned it in your blog today. Maybe I'm dreaming?

todd said...

Next Wednesday.