Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Flat Practice.

Today's training involved a trip to the bike shop for some CO2 cartridges for my hand held bike pump. AND...because I have been significantly blessed with never having had to change a tire on my bike I decided to practice. I didn't want to be in the middle of my race and have to fix a flat for the first time.

I decided to practice on the rear wheel because I figured that would be the more difficult one to change during a race. Remember, I'm not the most mechanically inclined guy in the world. Anyway...I took my time. I got the tire off. I let all of the air out. I figured out how to get the tire off the rim without scratching my head, or anything else, too many times. I took the tube out of the tire. I put the tube back in the tire. I put the tire back on. I inflated it.

Its not that hard.

One things for certain though. I've probably jinxed myself with a flat tire now.

I'm doing another tri on September 1st. I have my choice between the sprint and tthe olympic. What do you think? Should I try the oly? It's not that much further than the sprint I'm doing on Saturday. Hmmm.....


Allez said...

I haven't tried an oly yet. I've done 6 sprints this years. I'm a baby stepper... get comfortable with one before upping to the next level.

todd said...

Good advice. There's always next year.