Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Uh oh...

Thanks triturtl and johnnytri for visiting. I really appreciate your comments.

I was going to take an easy run today. It's not gonna happen. My left leg (stress fracture leg) is uniquely sore in a very familiar and localized spot. I didn't have any trouble during my last run. In fact, I felt great. Yesterday, though, my family dragged me to the mall and there was a moment when it was REALLY bothering me. I tried to sit as often as I could. I'd hate to think I've re injured myself just as running is becoming fun again and right before my impending triathlon. So, as much as I want to test it, I'm going to rest instead. A run today won't make the difference between whether I finish the tri or not.

Triathlon invaded my dreams last night. I'm not able to recall anything specific right now. All I can remember was that, SURPRISE!, I arrived to find out I had registered for a half iron man instead of a longish sprint. Maybe that's why my leg is sore today. I ran a half marathon in my sleep...


Tea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tea said...

Sorry about that deletion...here is the text in it's original, unedited version:

It's going to be ok. Your leg just has to get used to the added stress again.

Remember when you started running? Do you remember the feeling of being sore? It's the same thing now for your leg. It takes time, but you'll be ok.

I know it's hard to think about it in that way.

The night before my Tri...I dreamt that I forgot my running shoes and ran in my cycling shoes. :)

TriTurtL said...

Ahh... The things I can do in my dreams... Lance Armstrong joins me on training rides and does his very best to woo me... Ahhh...

I think it was smart to stay off the foot. You're absolutely right. Running won't make your race at this point, but it certainly could break it.

Andra Sue said...

Heh...just wait until the NIGHT BEFORE your race and see what you dream about then! :D

Remember that being undertrained is better than being overtrained...and as you so eloquently put it in an earlier post, if you can gut it out for a marathon, you can certainly gut it out for a sprint tri. I'm sure you'll do great.

Much luck next weekend!