Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Last Day of School

180 days

That's not a lot of time to teach someone everything you want them to know.

We lose about 10 of those days to various things throughout the year.

That leaves us with 170 days to teach everything we want them to know.

We fill those days up very quickly.

Reading. Writing. Discussions. Projects. Tests. Tests. Tests.

Exhorting. Cajoling. Wheedling. Motivating? Inspiring?

Then they leave.

And, on this last day of school for the year, this teacher gets moist at the corners of his eyes as he scans the room with pride and affection at the children who have become his...not just students...but his legacy. He has dedicated each day to giving these students himself. They take it and move on. They don't say thank you because it doesn't occur to them to thank him for what seems natural. But, they they do say thank you as they live the gifts he's given them.

New students will come in the fall.

But these, these will always be his students.


I swam 1100 yards today. 40 touches plus a warmup. I used my method of freestyle for one length and elementary backstroke for the other. I could have kept going. I could swim forever like that. Today, it feels like I accomplished something.


Tea said...

Nice work on the swim. I bet you were glowing all day.

My youngest son just finished elementary school. At his school, the kids have the same teacher for 3 years. At his continuation, his teacher, who watched them grow from 3rd grade through 5th grade, could barely talk. She was choking back her tears as she said good-bye.

When you have teachers like that, who aren't afraid to show how much they care, it is the best thing for our kids.
I think my son will remember her forever.

Tea said...

I understand migraines, so just recover, enjoy your first days off, and post when you can.

Anonymous said...

Now that school is done, I hope your headaches go away. I'm still thinking they are stress related. Have fun with the training.

I am the Big Bad Wolf said...

1100 huh? Your definitely improving.