Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's getting there

The Run

I ran 2.52 miles this morning. I did the first half in 14:38 or 11:43 per mile. The second half was completed in 13:25 or 10:33 per mile. Negative splits baby! No pain. No worries. (Don't you love my new Garmin inspired data?)

The Ride

I did 9.05 miles tonight on my bike. I averaged 15.1 miles per hour. I hit a top speed of 25.9 miles per hour (That was kinda fun and of course it was down hill.)Perfect. That's all I want to do for my tri.

After the ride I walked a tenth of a mile and jogged back. My legs felt great. Between the running, biking swimming, everything is starting to come together for the completion of my first tri.

T Ball

My son had a t ball game tonight. We don't keep score other than to note that each team's at bat is over after either three outs or 5 runs scored. BUT - If we get three outs more often than the other team it's kinda easy to figure out that we scored more than the other kids, right? Over the past 6 out of 10 innings (2 games) my kids have reached three outs before the other team could score. I'm so darn proud of them for improving so much over the course of the year.


It was the top of the last inning. There were two outs. The game was tied. The bases were loaded and my daughter was on third.

The was hit directly to the pitcher and my daughter ran full tilt toward homeplate. The pitcher scooped the ball into her glove and charged toward the plate.

"Slide, Hannah, slide!" the girls on her team screamed as she sprinted past them.

She slid and the pitcher lunged.

Everyone looked to the teenaged umpire to make the call.

"Safe!" she yelled as she held her arms out ramrod straight.

Her teammates rushed the field, hugged Hannah and each other, then lined up to shake hands.

As the dad of the little girl who scored that winning run I gotta tell you how proud I am of how hard she has worked to learn how to play softball this year. She comes home after every game and talks about how much she loves it. She never complains. She just trys her best and has fun. I wish my running and swimming could be like that. She has become an excellent role model for this 37 year old kid.

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