I teflon taped (thanks Wrench!). I plumber's puttied. I siliconed. I tightened the tail piece to the bottom of the bowl. I stopped the leak.
To celebrate I bought myself my very first Garmin forerunner.
Now I'm staining the deck. I'm MUCH better at painting than I am at fixing. I even like it.
I ran a whole 2.5 miles today at an 11:44 pace. Really slow. That's OK. I get to be slow coming off illness and a stress fracture. I know I'll improve.
I registered for a local 5k for the weekend before the 4th of July. It should be fun. My kids are in the parade right after the race and they'll be dancing in the celebration in the park following the parade. It should be fun for everyone.
yaay for new toys!
Todd, congrats for figuring out how to install your sink. May I suggest this book, since you like to read? It's called "Dare to Repair: A Do-It-Herself Guide to Fixing (Almost) Anything in the Home." Here's the link to the review: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2003/0305.mencimer.html
I'm shocked that you are already at a 11:44 pace. You rock!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
Ei, agradece para parar por meu blog. Eu não recebo muitos Portugese fala vistors.
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