Thursday, April 26, 2007

Moving On

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...

The absolute worst part of my daily swim is the frigid walk from the shower, across the pool deck to where the fins and kickboards are stored, then back again to find an open lane. I hate being cold and wet like that. It's the worst.

Today, as I shivered past, the lifeguard looked away from the pool and said good morning. As I was padding my way back again, I noticed that the pool was evenly divided with about half the swimmers on one end being obviously good swimmers and the other end contained a single guy who was splashing and floundering his way back and forth. I decided to join the flounderer since I consider myself to be one. I mentioned this to the lifeguard and she laughed. I also thanked her for not laughing at me yesterday. She laughed again. (That's the thing with us fat guys. When we have our shirts off in public - we better be funny.)

A friend of mine swims quite well and she suggested I actually warm up before beginning my actual workout. Taking her advice I set off on a "quick" 50 with the kickboard. I swear I was moving so slowly that it seemed like I was actually motionless in the water. Once I began my swim I was able to get in the groove a bit faster than usual. Huh? Who would have guessed!

I swam 650 and finished with 350 of kick with fins. It was not a bad workout today. I'm finding that I can actually relax more and more in the water now. I can "talk" myself into relaxing when I start to tense up. I can tell when I'm moving through the water with more or less effort. I think that's improvement.

After I climbed out of the pool and was heading toward the locker room the lifeguard piped up with, "I expect to see you on the other side of the pool tomorrow." We both laughed as I walked past. Later it occured to me that she was either trying to be funny, give me a compliment, give me a funny compliment, or she was trying to entice me into running away with her.

(For the record, I'm desperately in love with my wife and the lifeguard is half my age. In this situation my wife would ask me, "What would you do with a 19 year old if you caught one?" She has a point. I didn't know what to do with a 19 year old when I was 19.)

Anyway, it was a pretty good day in the pool. Onward and upward.


Tea said...

Very nice swim. 650 + 350 = 1000...aren't WE moving up quickly?

Swimming moreso than any sport gains from little nuances.Warming up before your swim or rotating your body slightly, they make tremendous differences in the water. That's probably the efficiency that you're begining to notice.
I hope that made sense. I'm really tired. Anyway, GOOD JOB!

todd said...

I've always been doing the kickboard. I just didn't know it counted as part of the workout until I asked. Thanks again.