Friday, August 15, 2008

I am...

-eager to start my research.
-not quite ready for school to start again even though I really want to met my new students.
-proud of my children.
-quite proud to be Finnish.
-always surprised when people like me.
-still rather shy.
-pretty comfortable in front of a crowd, however.
-really a BIG fan of iTunes.
-missing physical activity.
-neglecting my homework.
-wondering if I'll ever run more than a 10k ever again.
-realizing my mortality.
-craving carrot cake.
-thinking about buying a uke.
-sick of having my house on the market.
- a book slut.
-writing something every evening and then deleting it.
-drawing daily (almost).
-really good at make a short story long.


Tea said...

I'm a book slut too. In fact, I read your post after getting home from the library with 5 new books. No way, will I finish them before they have to go back. :)

I hope you are doing better. I've been thinking about you this week with school starting again. My oldest goes to high school this year, and I had to take him to registration.

He's ready.
I'm not.

Anonymous said...

I am also a book slut. Great term!! Just bought a bag of books from at cute little book store in Ludington. I have a few suggestions for you.

The Original MAJ said...

I'm totally with you on "not quite ready to go back to school."


Started back Monday.


Well, it's the jam-packed schedule I hate. I love class.

I have been really bad lately - all my reading outside of class is frothy chick lit. Can't seem to focus on anything but "beach reading" when school is out.