Saturday, April 28, 2007

Running NOT Running

I accomplished negative fitness today. It was that bad. This was a very busy Saturday. My wife, Amy, worked last night. That means that I played taxi cab all bleepin' day...sigh.

Two dance classes in the morning.

One t-ball practice right after lunch.

Another dance class in the afternoon. (What the heck is blocking?)

A birthday party.

I know, it could have been worse. It was a beautiful day. But, I didn't even get to mow the lawn, pull weeds, or whack weeds (weed whack?) I just drove kids around in the family van. (It's hard to look cool with four kids in the van.) [OK. You're right. It's hard to look cool in a van.]

Mother Nature is supposed to deliver another gorgeous day tomorrow. I'm hoping that I can get out on the bike for a short ride and try out my new, shorts. Cross your fingers for me.

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How about the Red Wings! How about those Pistons!


Tea said...

GO PISTONS! We've got alot of love for Chauncey here. :)

The nuggies aren't doing too well. sad sad much potential so much waste.

Gotta love those Daddy Taxi days. All you can do is take it in stride.

I am the Big Bad Wolf said...

"Blocking?" Sounds like a recital is coming up. That's where they put the dancers, actors, etc. in their places on the stage. They "block" them.

I'm the mom taxi every single day, so not too much sympathy here. My only advice is to ditch the minivan if you ever want to look cool again.

Wayne said...

Haha...I had three girls in dancing, being in different classes meant my Saturdays were busted from 8:30am til 2:30pm. The days the girls decided to drop dancing in favour of athletics was one the the sweetest moments of my life.

Best of luck with your training, you've taken the same road from runner to triathlete as me which should have you running by plenty of people each race. Just don't be too disheartened by coming out of the water at the tail end, or getting passed by multitudes of cyclists if your swimming is okay...many of those uber-cyclists can't run. =)

todd said...

Tea - Billups is the the Pistons. No question.

Natalie - My wife told me the same thing. Ah well...

Dante - Thanks for the visit. One of daughters is starting to get into softball. I've got my fingers crossed.

Wrenched Photography said...

Sounds like a fun day. Good luck in your training, whens your 1st tri?